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The industrial sector has been experiencing an intense technological revolution in recent years. So much so that in May 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil, with multiple sectors, released a document that guides public policies for the development of AI in the country, to promote sustained investments in AI research and development.

Another trend that promises to accelerate the 4th Industrial Revolution is 5G technology, already present in several countries such as South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Hong Kong, United States.


In future industries, connected devices will be able to sense their environments and operate with each other, allowing people to make strategic decisions in a decentralized structure.

It is essential to be prepared for the changes that 5G will bring. This means adopting a fluid and agile infrastructure and working according to Industry 4.0 concepts.

With that in mind, we have prepared an e-book with the main points to be considered in relation to Industry 4.0, 5G technology and the IoT (Internet of Things) when applied in your industry.


Also watch the Manusis presentation interview video bellow with our CEO, Rodrigo Rotondo.


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